Monday, March 7, 2011

Qin Shi Huangdi

Before he was born, there were six states of China. They all were at war and had governments of their own in each state, this period was known as the Warring States Pyramid. When the emperor was born, he was born as the Prince of Qin, and his personal name was Ying Zheng. In 246 BC, when 13, the father of Qin Shi Huangdi had died, leaving him to the throne, but since he was so young, another man would act as a kind of “prime minister” for the state of Qin. When the young king had turned 21, he took over power and began his reign. He would start conquering states of china, to “unify” it. So with moving on with that plan in 230 BC, the first state to fall was the state of Han. Then after taking advantage of an earthquake in 229 BC, in 228 BC Qin took over the state of Zhao.  In 227 the prince of Yan was so terrified that The king tried to assassinate the King of Qin, this attempt failed, resulting in the assassins being executed. A famous lute player was a friend of one of the assassins and wanted to avenge his death. He was playing for the King of Qin one day and the king was so delighted that he wanted the lute player to come closer to him. The lute lined with a heavy piece of lead, and the man tried to strike the king down. He missed and was killed shortly after. A man from the state a Han wanted revenge for what Qin did, so he sold all of his valuables, hired a strongman and made him a 160lb cone. The strongman and his employer waited in the bushes near the King of Qin’s carriage to arrive on its mountain route. The strongman hurled the cone at the carriage, shattering it. The king was riding in the identical carriage behind the shattered for that reason. Qin then conquered Yan in 226 BC, then in 225 BC the state of Wei, and finally the biggest and greatest challenge, in 223 BC was Chu.  The last state was Qi, being the last independent state, the young king was terrified, so he sent 300,000 men to protect his western borders.  Ironically, in 221 BC, the Qin armies invaded from the north. Now China was unified, and under one mighty ruler. The King of Qin now gave himself a new title, The First Emperor. Qin Shi Huagdi still leaves his mark today, because there is still a unified China

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