Monday, March 28, 2011

Government Branches


This branch is made up of the House of Representatives, and the Senate. When both the Senate and the House meet, it is called Congress. Congress passes laws on to the president, and if the president does not approve, more than 2/3 of the Congress must approve of the bill to pass it. There are a total of 100 Senate members, and 435 House members to make up a total of 535 members. So to get 2/3 of 535 people with different political views to pass a bill is very hard.


This branch is made up of 9 members, the supreme court.  Each of the members are chosen by the president and must be approved by congress. When one becomes a Supreme Court Justice, it is their job for life, unless  they retire or resign. Once the Supreme Court makes a decision, it is final, unless change by the Supreme Court, or by amending the Constitution. 


This branch makes sure that the laws in the US. The president is elected by the people of the US. Despite all of the president's power, he cannot write bills. He can only propose a bill, but a member of congress must submit it for him. The president also signs treaties, but congress must approve of them. The president is also the head of the military, and may declare war if he must.

1 comment:

  1. Mitchell,

    Please make sure to make those corrections as I suggested:
    1. Move all non-social studies posts to the correct blog
    2. Trying adding images or other Web 2.0 developed assets to each post.
    3. Go back and add tags to all your posts that indicate which standard that you have addressed.

    What are you plans for future entries? Where is your project going to go from here?

    Mr. Joe
