Monday, March 7, 2011

Photosynthesis Paper

Photosynthesis is important, not just for plants, but for everybody. Without photosynthesis, we would have no more oxygen. Without oxygen, we would not breathe; with no breathing we would have no more life etc. So how does photosynthesis occur, does it occur when photos are taken of plants? What are the steps to this mysterious process?
            The whole process starts with the sun. Most of the suns light doesn’t meet the earth, so it is important to get enough of it. There are special molecules that grab light. These are called chlorophyll and are kept in the chloroplasts. Chlorophyll can also be found in microorganisms, and some prokaryotic cells.
            Other Molecules found in the chloroplast are; water (H2O), glucose (C6H12O6), carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2). In the chloroplasts, light mixes with water and carbon dioxide to make glucose and oxygen. The glucose produced is used in many ways by various creatures on the planet. The oxygen produced is used by most things on the planet, not just animals.
            The whole process doesn’t happen all at once. There are separate stages throughout the entire process. The first stage is called the Light Dependent Reaction, and is when light energy is taken and transformed into a chemical called ATP. The next stage, called the Light Independent Reaction, is when the ATP is turned into glucose.
            Maybe know that we understand more about this process, will know more about plants themselves. Maybe we can find another process inside the plant along with photosynthesis. Photosynthesis could be the key to life, because without is, we could not breath and we would not have our required glucose to live. Either way, it is very important. The little process inside the plant that gets looked over day by day, that saves all life.

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