Monday, March 28, 2011

Government Branches


This branch is made up of the House of Representatives, and the Senate. When both the Senate and the House meet, it is called Congress. Congress passes laws on to the president, and if the president does not approve, more than 2/3 of the Congress must approve of the bill to pass it. There are a total of 100 Senate members, and 435 House members to make up a total of 535 members. So to get 2/3 of 535 people with different political views to pass a bill is very hard.


This branch is made up of 9 members, the supreme court.  Each of the members are chosen by the president and must be approved by congress. When one becomes a Supreme Court Justice, it is their job for life, unless  they retire or resign. Once the Supreme Court makes a decision, it is final, unless change by the Supreme Court, or by amending the Constitution. 


This branch makes sure that the laws in the US. The president is elected by the people of the US. Despite all of the president's power, he cannot write bills. He can only propose a bill, but a member of congress must submit it for him. The president also signs treaties, but congress must approve of them. The president is also the head of the military, and may declare war if he must.

Representative Email

My name is Mitchell McNamara, and I am a student attending the OH Institute in Rosemary Beach, Florida. I would like to ask you a short question. Should Florida partially run on renewable energy? I am favorably looking forward to your reply.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Photosynthesis Paper

Photosynthesis is important, not just for plants, but for everybody. Without photosynthesis, we would have no more oxygen. Without oxygen, we would not breathe; with no breathing we would have no more life etc. So how does photosynthesis occur, does it occur when photos are taken of plants? What are the steps to this mysterious process?
            The whole process starts with the sun. Most of the suns light doesn’t meet the earth, so it is important to get enough of it. There are special molecules that grab light. These are called chlorophyll and are kept in the chloroplasts. Chlorophyll can also be found in microorganisms, and some prokaryotic cells.
            Other Molecules found in the chloroplast are; water (H2O), glucose (C6H12O6), carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2). In the chloroplasts, light mixes with water and carbon dioxide to make glucose and oxygen. The glucose produced is used in many ways by various creatures on the planet. The oxygen produced is used by most things on the planet, not just animals.
            The whole process doesn’t happen all at once. There are separate stages throughout the entire process. The first stage is called the Light Dependent Reaction, and is when light energy is taken and transformed into a chemical called ATP. The next stage, called the Light Independent Reaction, is when the ATP is turned into glucose.
            Maybe know that we understand more about this process, will know more about plants themselves. Maybe we can find another process inside the plant along with photosynthesis. Photosynthesis could be the key to life, because without is, we could not breath and we would not have our required glucose to live. Either way, it is very important. The little process inside the plant that gets looked over day by day, that saves all life.

Qin Shi Huangdi

Before he was born, there were six states of China. They all were at war and had governments of their own in each state, this period was known as the Warring States Pyramid. When the emperor was born, he was born as the Prince of Qin, and his personal name was Ying Zheng. In 246 BC, when 13, the father of Qin Shi Huangdi had died, leaving him to the throne, but since he was so young, another man would act as a kind of “prime minister” for the state of Qin. When the young king had turned 21, he took over power and began his reign. He would start conquering states of china, to “unify” it. So with moving on with that plan in 230 BC, the first state to fall was the state of Han. Then after taking advantage of an earthquake in 229 BC, in 228 BC Qin took over the state of Zhao.  In 227 the prince of Yan was so terrified that The king tried to assassinate the King of Qin, this attempt failed, resulting in the assassins being executed. A famous lute player was a friend of one of the assassins and wanted to avenge his death. He was playing for the King of Qin one day and the king was so delighted that he wanted the lute player to come closer to him. The lute lined with a heavy piece of lead, and the man tried to strike the king down. He missed and was killed shortly after. A man from the state a Han wanted revenge for what Qin did, so he sold all of his valuables, hired a strongman and made him a 160lb cone. The strongman and his employer waited in the bushes near the King of Qin’s carriage to arrive on its mountain route. The strongman hurled the cone at the carriage, shattering it. The king was riding in the identical carriage behind the shattered for that reason. Qin then conquered Yan in 226 BC, then in 225 BC the state of Wei, and finally the biggest and greatest challenge, in 223 BC was Chu.  The last state was Qi, being the last independent state, the young king was terrified, so he sent 300,000 men to protect his western borders.  Ironically, in 221 BC, the Qin armies invaded from the north. Now China was unified, and under one mighty ruler. The King of Qin now gave himself a new title, The First Emperor. Qin Shi Huagdi still leaves his mark today, because there is still a unified China

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chines PenPal Questions

1: What do you think life in the US is like?
2: What kind of food do you like?
3: What kind of movies do you like

PenPal Response:

Hi mitchell,
I always think the US is a free and beautiful country with a lot of interesting things and places.
I like all kinds of food.:)
I like funny and mystery movies.