Monday, January 24, 2011

Dawn of the Maya(Video) Argument

Argument #1: A civilization of Mayans, 1000 years before the peak of Mayan culture.
Of course there was! There was so much evidence, even symbols of past kings, ancient murals, pyramids! It was all there, all in the amazon, all cut off from the world. Archeologists in Dawn of the Maya uncover ancient pottery and ancient temples finding the remains of an amazing nation.

Argument #2: The Mayans sacrificed.
Yes, the Mayans sacrificed. The Mayans sacrificed their blood, by cutting soft parts of their body, and smearing the blood on maize and baking it into bread. Human sacrifice occurred when festivals and other celebrations occured.

Argument #3: The Mayans built enormous structures.
Yes they did! These temples are still around today! In the amazon rain forest,  the biggest pyramids and temples are hidden by trees and undergrowth. The temples, as seen in the dawn of the Maya video, were sturdily built and inhumanly large.

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